Thursday, 19 May 2011



Exactly, your progress will be seen in a very short time if u succed to be a focused hard working guy in your long journey in this dynamic life.That's right and when that happens, dont think u already achieved the top, because you just entered into the biggest race with very strong rivals that are not easy to be beaten and that for the only reason, u cannot control them only yourself.

What is more important about this long journey is how you exercise to be fit and strong to defeat yourself in pain, anger and how long u can stand when u face all these obstacles toward your journey.My friend we all know that this life is hard but ask urself are u born less hard ? and you are not asking more and more from life but you only take what life gives you, ask urself all these questions and then BUMMM stand up and go for the best.

In general a fighter is always prepared but he never stops exercising furthermore because he knows that u can never say enough in what u do.So this is the point do what u have to do, but always be prepared of anything that might get into your way and put you down or even worse and that is by letting you as a paralized person.


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