This book talks and explains about traditional Malay games, dances,attire, narratives and songs.This book aims to expose the way that these are practiced by the Malaysian society.It is a very good book and all the events that happened it is explained in the best possible way.
I would like to mention some of the games and to tell how one of them is played: 1. BATU SEREMBAN, 2. GASING, 3. GALAH PANJANG. I will try to explain how the BATU SEREMBAN should be played: Take some stones and move all of them on the floor so that neither of them touches each other, you have to pick up one stone as the 'mother' or ibu which is then thrown upwards and another on the floor is swept orderly, catching the one you threw earlier on.The game goes until every stone is taken from the floor.Throw all the stones carefully on the air and catch them it is called 'menimbang'. Everything is how many stones are you capable to catch and not to let them fall down.He or she loses the turn when fails to catch the stone.
I also liked the song RASA SAYANG it is a traditonal chorus that i followed by a number of quatrains.The first verse will be sung alternately with a few quatrains of well known.The chorus can either be taken from a repertoire of traditional quatrains or spontaneously made by the singers during the singing, the song intends to teach people a moral in nature; an indirect social teaching tool.
It was an amazing book and i enjoyed reading it, and learned a lot about Malay tradition, it is really a good feeling to know how others entertain themselves by their own games and how they do it, being honest i was speechless at the end of this book.