Friday, 10 June 2011



Two friends were walking through the desert. At some point they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:


They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to go for a swim. The one who had been slapped started to drown, but his friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone:


The one who had first slapped and later saved his friend said, 'After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?'
His friend replied: 'When a friend hurts us we should write it down in sand where the winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when a friend does something good for us, we should engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.'


Wednesday, 8 June 2011



I am sure that each of you have heard about the QUIZ ' Who wants to be a millionaire' , so one day of this show, there was a person who succeded to answer nearly all the questions and won millions of dollars, but he was very confident and wanted more, so the man who was doing the show said to him youll win 3 million if u answer this question and if u dont you will lose everything, do you want to bet or not about this ? he accepted the challenge and so they asked him the mysterious question and he wasnt able to answer it, so he lost.

The man was shocked what he did, and started talking to himself at the show infront of cameras and everything was so sad, then people started to wonder is he ok now, he was all red in color from head to toe.
After some minutes because the show man he couldent even get close to him, concerned about his condition he asked him what do you want to drink, and he doesnt answer so many times he asked him and then he stops and says give me a COCA COLA at that moment the COCA COLA company gaved him 4 million dollars as a reward, it was an extraordinary event.




From: Sytrim Halitaj
Re: Possible visit to Drini i Bardhe


This area except the good services and all the fresh things, it is in an amazing place surrounded by mountains in every corner and you can also see a beautiful waterfall called the White River ( DRINI I BARDHE).


White river is one of the most visited places in my country, in this area you can see different kinds of wild animals such as rabits, wolfs, bears, deers etc.


This place also includes two wonderful caves, they are close to each other but the most interesting part of this is that one of them is called the hot cave and the other one the cold cave.


This area can be accessed very easy from every part what surrounds the place in nearly about twenty minutes, but it is also a little bit risky because if you go to near the waterfall you might slip and fall into it, accidently you can also be pushed by anyone because usually it becomes very crowded from visitors.


Tuesday, 31 May 2011




This book talks and explains about traditional Malay games, dances,attire, narratives and songs.This book aims to expose the way that these are practiced by the Malaysian society.It is a very good book and all the events that happened it is explained in the best possible way.

I would like to mention some of the games and to tell how one of them is played: 1. BATU SEREMBAN, 2. GASING, 3. GALAH PANJANG. I will try to explain how the BATU SEREMBAN should be played: Take some stones and move all of them on the floor so that neither of them touches each other, you have to pick up one stone as the 'mother' or ibu which is then thrown upwards and another on the floor is swept orderly, catching the one you threw earlier on.The game goes until every stone is taken from the floor.Throw all the stones carefully on the air and catch them it is called 'menimbang'. Everything is how many stones are you capable to catch and not to let them fall down.He or she loses the turn when fails to catch the stone.

I also liked the song RASA SAYANG it is a traditonal chorus that i followed by a number of quatrains.The first verse will be sung alternately with a few quatrains of well known.The chorus can either be taken from a repertoire of traditional quatrains or spontaneously made by the singers during the singing, the song intends to teach people a moral in nature; an indirect social teaching tool.

It was an amazing book and i enjoyed reading it, and learned a lot about Malay tradition, it is really a good feeling to know how others entertain themselves by their own games and how they do it, being honest i was speechless at the end of this book.


Monday, 30 May 2011



Television gives us many information about the whole world in a few minutes after it happened, even while it is happening.And all these information have a profound effect on us.But there are some things that really make me feel deeply annoyed about tv but ill mention the top three of those.

The first one is that while your watching something good and you are enjoying it amazingly good, there comes the advertisement for five minutes and whatever you were watching is gone and you have to wait until that advertisement is finished, if you want to continue watching again.

The second one is while your watching, the advertisement comes inside the movie or tv-show and it is being played together with whatever you are watching and that is so bad because it makes you confused what to watch, the advertisement or what you were already been watching.

And the final one is when tv- stations play the films without sbubtitles even though they had promised when they are going to play it, on this day, at this time, it is going to be with subtitles and there wont be any problems or interruptions about it.

But we all know that everything has its own weekness whatever it is, and it should be like that because nothing is perfect, except the Almighty God, and we have to live with these things and accept as they are, otherwise it is going to be really hard for us.But again things are being more and more sophisticated every day, and hopefully everything will be on its place sooner or later.


Monday, 23 May 2011



This story begins with a king and his loyal servant, this servant for everything that happened used to say " hopefully good" so one day the king organized some kind of celebrations and during that time the king hurts himself by cutting his finger so everyone there makes panic saying the king is hurt, only his loyal servant calmly says hopefully good, when those words went to kings ear he called the guards and told them to put the one who said that in jail, so when they put the servant in jail he said again hopefully good, they thought he had lost his mind.

After their celebrations they packed up and started to go home to his kingdom but during that time when they reached a mountain called "CANIBAL MOUNTAIN" some voices came from the darkness of the mountain and then canibals started to shoot and kill everyone there except the king, they took the king as a trophy to sacrifice him for their gods but the trophy should be in good health and in one piece, so when they took his clothes off everything was ok with him, until they saw that he had lost a finger so the canibals were angry instead of killing him they threw him from a high part of their mountain down and into a river but luckily he survived.

When the king came back home everyone was shocked what had happen but the king didnt care about that, he was thinking about his loyal servant all along and his words "hopefully good" so he goes to the jail and releases him, apologizes and ask from him to be his second in command in that kingdom.

The moral of the story, always say whatever might happen "hopefully good " because no one knows why it happened, thats why we dont know for sure, from what comes the goodness and from what comes the badness.


Sunday, 22 May 2011



Well not everything is easy as it looks like, knowing and experiencing stuffs is a very different thing so be careful what you know and dont think that it is the same as watching yourself in a mirror.

Sometimes many things that might be on your way can motivate you into a dozen other things, some events happen when you never or less expect those to happen.Do you ever ask yourself why, how or what is going on ?

I would say, everything that happens outside there, is a reason for it, so dont take things close to your heart, just go with the flow, you know what i mean or better to say WHATEVER.